Charity Work - Oak House Dental Practice

Site Updated: 09.07.24
BDA Good practice
15 years being Denplan Excel 23.02.23
5 Years of BDA Good Practice  29.04.24
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Charity Work

Charity Work
Oak House proudly Working with Smile Star in Africa
These are self-funded trips, arranged through Smile Star, and in association with The Safari Collection, who look after us in Kenya. The team work every day, until all of the people who dropped in were seen & treated!

Kenya November 2015
Kenya November 2016

Andrew & Lisa have been travelling to Kenya as part of a 10+ person team consisting of 4 dentists & support staff, in November 2015; 2016 & 2017 for 2 weeks each year. In 2016 they took their eldest daughter, Georgie, with them!
Andrew then went to Zambia with a small team, for the Smile Star Chrity first time to Zambia, reaching extremely remote villages, to provide acute dental treatments.

in November 2016, Andrew, Lisa & Georgie returned to the town of Mweiga with Smile Star & once again worked from the local hospital seeing well over a hundred patients per day. The second week was spent in the Masi Mara visiting remote towns and villages, taking our treatment clinics to the local populations - the drive to work somewhat different from that in Cornwall!
Kenya November 2017
in 2015 our first week was spent working at at local hospitals in Mweiga & Nyeri, providing free acute emergency dental care and general medical advice to the local population. These were busy, long days, with lots of patients to see! The second week we travelled to Sambura, more remote, so slightly quieter clinics of maybe 60 patients a day!
Zambia May 2018
in 2017 Lisa & Andrew returned to Kenya for a repeat visit of 2016. More people this year, word had got out about our fast, efficient and pain free treatments! We were joined by George (a Kenyan Dentist) this time, so this enabled us to see many more people!
Andrew visited Zambia in May 2018 (the first time for SmileStar in Zambia); just a small team of 8, but the team still managed to treat over 280 people during our 3 days in the remote village. The village had no local anesthetics and the locals were having teeth removed without anaesthetic prior to our arrival. The team helped to train and guide the local clinicians to improve their extraction and anaesthetic techniques & SmileStar left over £600 of local anaesthetics on our departure.
In November 2019, Andrew will be returning to Kenya, with the SmileStar Charity, once again.
For 2 weeks the team will be providing acute urgent dental care to the local population.
During the first week we will be based in the town of Mweiga, working Monday - Friday 7am - 7pm approx.
The middle weekend we take our mobile clinic into the Masai Mara.
The second week, we visit market towns and provide local clinics for the population in the Masai Mara.

If you would like to help with the work SmileStar carries out, please feel free to donate via PayPal below or contact us if you would like to get involved with a trip!
At Oak House we have recently celebrated our 20th Birthday. Opening in October 1998, as a new NHS Dental Practice, we cared for over 12, 000 NHS Dental patients over 10 years. Due to changes in NHS contracts, we left the NHS sector and joined Denplan in October 1999, to focus on our preventive patient care.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday:
7.30m – 1pm   &   2pm – 5.30pm

7.30am – 1pm  &  2pm - 4.30pm

Friday - Home Visits
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